Clears the scrollback of the selected view.
Clears the scrollback of all views on the selected network.
This command removes the current chat from the channel list. If the current chat is a channel rather than a private message, it will part you from the channel.
This command removes all private messages from the channel list. Unlike /close, it will not touch channels.
Connects to the selected network.
CTCP [nickname] [command] [extra]
Sends a Client-to-Client (CTCP) request to [nickname] for [command] with optional data.

Example: /ctcp ExampleUser VERSION
Example: /ctcp ExampleUser PING 1375888900
Disconnects from the selected network.
IGNORE [nickname]
Shows your ignore list if no parameter, or adds an ignore for [nickname].

Example: /ignore
Example: /ignore ExampleUser
INVITE [nickname]
Invites [nickname] to a channel.

Example: /invite ExampleUser #igloo
JOIN [channel[,channel]] [key[,key]]
Joins channel(s) with optional key(s).

Example: /join
Example: /join #igloo
Example: /join #igloo,#other p4ssw0rd,s3cr3t

Aliases: /j
Retrieves a list of channels on the selected network.
ME [message]
Sends a message ([message]) to the selected channel as an action.

Example: /me borrowed a lot of this documentation from Textual
MESSAGE [target[,target]] [message]
Sends a message ([message]) to [target] without opening a query window.

Example: /message #igloo This is a channel message!
Example: /message ExampleUser This is a private message!

Aliases: /msg
MODE [channel] [flags] [arguments]
Sets mode(s) on [channel] or retrieve those that are set.

The modes that are available will vary from server to server.

Example: /mode #igloo
Example: /mode #igloo +m

Aliases: /m
NICK [nickname]
Sets your nick to [nickname].

Example: /nick NewNick
NOTICE [target[,target]] [message]
Sends a message ([message]) to [target] as a notice.

Example: /message #igloo This is a channel notice!
Example: /message ExampleUser This is a private notice!
PART [channel[,channel]] [reason]
Leaves channel(s) with optional reason.

This command does not remove the channel from the channel list.

Example: /part
Example: /part #igloo
Example: /part #igloo,#other Bye!

Aliases: /p, /leave
QUERY [nickname] [message]
Opens a query (also known as a "private message") with [nickname] and sends an optional message ([message] if included).

Example: /query ExampleUser
QUIT [reason]
Disconnects from the selected server with optional reason.

Example: /quit
Example: /quit Bye!
QUOTE [input]
Sends data to the selected server without Igloo modifying it.

Example: /quote JOIN #igloo

Aliases: /raw
Resets all channel counts on the selected network.
Rejoins the selected channel.

Example: /rejoin

Aliases: /hop, /cycle
TOPIC [channel] [topic]
Retrieve the topic of [channel] or set [topic] as its topic.

Example: /topic #igloo
Example: /topic #igloo This will be the new topic!

Aliases: /t
UMODE [flags] [arguments]
Sets mode(s) on self or retrieves those that are set.

The modes that are available will vary from server to server.

Example: /umode
Example: /umode +G
UNIGNORE [nickname]
Removes [nickname] from your ignore list.

Example: /unignore ExampleUser
WHOIS [nickname]
Retrieves information about [nickname].

Example: /whois ExampleUser
WHOWAS [nickname]
Retrieves information about [nickname] after they've disconnected if the server supports this command.

Example: /whowas ExampleUser
Channel Operators
BAN [nickname/hostmask]
Adds [nickname/hostmask] to the ban list of the selected channel.

Example: /ban ExampleUser
Example: /ban *!*
DEHALFOP [nickname]
Takes away half-op (+h) from [nickname] in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /dehalfop ExampleUser
DEOP [nickname]
Takes away operator (+o) from [nickname] in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /deop ExampleUser
DEVOICE [nickname]
Takes away voice (+v) from [nickname] in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /devoice ExampleUser
HALFOP [nickname]
Gives [nickname] half-op (+h) in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /halfop ExampleUser
KICK [nickname] [comment]
Kick [nickname] with optional [comment].

Example: /kick ExampleUser
Example: /kick ExampleUser Bye!
KICKBAN [nickname] [comment]
Kick and ban [nickname] with optional [comment]

Example: /kickban ExampleUser
Example: /kickban ExampleUser You are not wanted here!

Aliases: /kb
OP [nickname]
Gives [nickname] operator (+o) in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /op ExampleUser
UNBAN [nickname/hostmask]
Removes [nickname/hostmask] from the ban list of the selected channel.

Example: /unban ExampleUser
Example: /unban *!*
VOICE [nickname]
Gives [nickname] voice (+v) in the selected channel if the server supports this mode.

Example: /voice ExampleUser
Useful Information
Outputs information about your iPhone or iPad like your model and iOS version.
Resolves a hostname to an IP address.

Example: /dns
Calculates the latency between Igloo and selected server.

The result of this command is seen only by you.
Outputs how many messages Igloo is storing in it's database, and how long it took to load them on last launch.
Calculates the latency between Igloo and selected server.

The result of this command is sent to the selected channel.
Checks if the specified port is open on the specified host.

Example: /portcheck 80
Outputs how many times you've launched Igloo.
Outputs your Igloo version and a link to download Igloo.
Outputs information about your iPhone or iPad. Your Igloo version and chosen theme, your device model and iOS version, your battery percentage, and uptime.
Outputs your uname (short for unix name).
Outputs how long your iPhone or iPad has been powered on.
Apple Music Integration
Skips to the next track.
Outputs information about the current song that's playing.

This command will also work with Spotify, if you link your account in the Services page of Igloo Settings.

Aliases: /np, /music
Pauses the currently playing music.
Plays the currently paused music.
Skips to the previous track.

Aliases: /prev
Fun Stuff
Watch the raw IRC messages being sent and received by Igloo.
DISEMVOWEL [message]
A completely useless command that removes all vowels from [message] before sending.

Example: /disemvowel This will have no vowels!
ENCHODE [message]
Sends [message] enchoded. Have a read about "Cocktography" here.

Example: /enchode This will be enchoded!
ENCHODES [stroke] [message]
Sends [message] enchoded stroked [stroke] times. Have a read about "Cocktography" here.

Example: /enchodes 5 This will be enchoded with 5 strokes!
GRAB [nickname]
Grabs [nickname] by the you know what. (Inspired by our 45th President).

Example: /grab ExampleUser
GREENTEXT [message]
Prepends [message] with > and makes it green of course. Used to criticise or ridicule something said.
Sends an Igloo ascii art made by ine from #homescreen on rizon.
Sends an Igloo ascii art made by aztec from #mircart on EFnet.
Sends a random ascii art from by prussian on rizon.
Sends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to the selected view.

Example: /shrug
SLAP [nickname]
Slaps [nickname] with a random fish.

Example: /slap ExampleUser
SPOILER [message]
Sends [message] with black foreground and background colors.