Feature Request
New Request
When opening app, go to the last used channel
Please add an option to go to the last used channel when opening the app, so that push notifications will open something useful rather than a blank server tab.
Developer Response
This was discussed in our IRC channel. This will be implemented but also going to the correct channel from a ZNC push, as long as the network name on ZNC matches the network name on Igloo.
Auto iCloud Sync Settings
Provide the ability to automatically sync settings across devices via iCloud. You can make this optional, per device, in case someone wants to not use it on a specific device, or not at all. This would be exponentially better than manually backing up and restoring.
Developer Response
This is one of those features that's good in theory but bad in practice most of the time. A lot can go wrong like using 2+ devices at the same time etc. This is still planned though, but will definitely be opt-in.
soju.im support
soju.im is a new-generation bouncer, with some interesting bouncer-related commands that allows for e.g. connecting to all the bounced servers in a single login. Would be sweet to see it being supported in Igloo!
Developer Response
Any commands that aren't handled by Igloo are sent to the server to be handled. Igloo shouldn't need any update to handle any commands that are soju specific. You should come to our IRC channel to discuss this further.
Implementing support for the CHATHISTORY extension would conplete the existing integration with Soju and allow users to have a complete log. Currently many messages are missing on subsequent launches due to lack of support.
Developer Response
Messages should never be missing if you're setting a client ID as you should be. CHATHISTORY will never be implemented into Igloo for a million reasons.
Personal pronoun append
frequently get ptsd when misgendered, everytime i type want pronouns stated as not enough room in nick
Colors in JOIN/PART
It would be very useful to put colors on the JOIN/PART lines (Even maybe add an arrow-in / arrow-out icon. This way would be easier to track users on a channel
Developer Response
Forgot versions 1 and 2 had this, this will be implemented in the next update.
Add support for macOS
Hello, are there any plans for development on other platforms, such as macOS?
Developer Response
The app currently works on any non Intel mac, there are no plans to make a mac specific version of Igloo.
TAB to find users
I know this is an implemented functionality, but I would like to be pushed further. When you press TAB after typing two words, it appears the first nick in the list. My request is to cycle among all users matching the two letters at each TAB pressing
Custom Slap
Add the ability to customize the SLAP action similar to customizing the kick reason.
Save Downloads to iCloud
Please consider providing the option to save downloads to iCloud, such as iCloud/ -> Igloo -> Downloads This would make using Igloo on Mac and iOs more seamless.
Developer Response
This is something that v2 had that everybody seemed to complain about, every day someone would email or come into the IRC channel asking where downloads are and how to disable syncing to iCloud etc. This will still be coming soon as an option though.
Downloads management
Currently, when clearing Downloads it deletes them from Files as well. Could you add option to just clear from the list, but not to delete from Files physically, please?
Developer Response
Sounds logical, will add shortly.
Change the timestamp color
Would it be possible to add a setting for the timestamp color? I can't read it on low brightness settings.
tjr as king
Yes, hello I request that you make tjr king
Ability to open links without the pop up dialog
I don’t want to see the url on the pop up and tap visit
Developer Response
A setting will be added to open links directly in the next build.
Disable Saved Messages
I have had set Saved Message Limit to 0 to disable it. Starting the app took several minutes. Now I finally tried to set it to 1, and now it's finally a fast and usable app. Would be a good idea to make it clear that 0 doesn't disable it, or change it so, that 0 disables it. Thanks!
Developer Response
This is actually a bug, setting to 0 should be disabling it. It will be fixed in the next update. Thanks :)
ignore list
I haven't seen a way to ignore certain nicks that might be useful
Developer Response
This is planned, but also very low priority given that it only takes someone about .2 seconds to get around it.
Add the fish command back where it was a bunch of latin names for many fishes because fish
Developer Response
Moar fish soon.
Add option to remove [borders:on]<timestamps> and nicknames
The previous version had this option and it is useful when horizontal space is limited
Support znc buffextras module
Having formatted joins, parts and bans from the buffer is helpful for moderation.
Developer Response
Completely forgot about this from v2. Will be in the next version. Thanks :)
Auto-close download window (toggle).
Allow user to select the option to automatically close the downloads window when download is complete.
Make it faster, maybe as fast as the classic app.
It's very slow to load the app and the backlog on an iPhone 13 mini.
Developer Response
Slow startup is likely caused by setting your saved message limit too high based on how many channels you're in. The old version of Igloo would only save 100 per channel, new one you can choose but you have to consider channels * limit = X and if X is more than 10,000 or so, it's going to be slow because the phone storage is slow.
Files, data, pic uploads
I get a request to sign into arxius.io for uploading. Last I heard arxius was taken down…Easier way?
Developer Response
Yes, Arxius is gone, but you can switch Igloo to use Imgur in settings, or even a custom uploader if you want.
Please restore the option to disable the “slap” action. It’s such an outdated idea and creates issues when accidentally pushed. This was an on/off option that I was able to successfully request in the previous version. Thanks!
Developer Response
If slapping someone with a large trout causes issues, you might need new friends.
Expanded media embed/thumbnail
Expected behaviour: A url containing rich media such as a series of moving images (motion picture) is converted into an embedded miniature ‘thumbnail’ or larger interactive representation within the app Actual result: https://youtube.com/video
Disable phone-home update check
The update check takes a while to complete on iOS, sometimes causing it to take more than two minutes to open the app. It would be nice to disable these update checks and simply rely on updates from the App Store.
Developer Response
The update check should be instant, what is likely actually causing the delay is how many saved messages there are. Lower the saved messages per channel setting to something much lower.
Support file upload with soju
Hey, could you please take a look at the soju file upload implementation and support it? https://codeberg.org/emersion/soju/src/branch/master/fileupload/fileupload.go It seems that the only missing thing at the moment is Authentication Basic, as only Bearer is available now, and that requires OAuth2 configuration in soju. Thanks!
Developer Response
It looks like it actually supports bearer https://codeberg.org/emersion/soju/src/branch/master/fileupload/fileupload.go#L222-L228. Come to our support channel if you're having issues and we can try and help you debug it.
logging on iPadOS ?
If it's there I can't seem to find it
Developer Response
Do you mean saving log files? If so, no, it doesn't exist right now but would like to talk to you about this first. Email contact@igloo.app or hit support in settings and come chat about it.
Friend List
Can you consider adding an AOL type friend list that lets you know if your friend is online.
Respect system DNS
I have split horizon DNS at home, so that public hostnames I host internally resolves to the internal IPs when at home. I could not connect with Igloo from within my home network, so I ran wireshark, and saw that Igloo tried to connect to the public IP for the hostname, and not the internal one that my DNS resolves. Which indicates that the app uses another DNS than the one from the system, making it impossible to seamlessly switch between internal and external access. Please fix this.
Developer Response
Unfortunately Igloo doesn't handle DNS lookups and it's actually not possible for an app to override system DNS without installing a VPN profile. The issue is somewhere else in your setup.
Custom font support
It would be really nice to be able to import and use custom fonts in the app, aside from the fonts that it comes with.
Developer Response
Unfortunately this can't be done. Because of the way fonts work on iOS and the way IRC formatting is (bold, italic, etc), all fonts chosen need to have a regular, bold, italic, and bold italic variant for it to work.
Better /notice handling
Currently, notices sent using /notice <user> <message> are shown in the actual channel, regardless of the channel they were sent from. It would be nice if notices appeared in the specific channel they were sent from.
Developer Response
Notices are already handled how you're suggesting. Here's the way it works.

1. If the notice is from the server, it goes to the status window.
2. If the notice is to a channel and you're in that channel, it goes to that channel window.
3. If the notice is to you and you have a pm window open with the person who noticed you, it goes to the pm window.

Otherwise if none of those are met, it will go to the active window.

If you're experiencing something other than this, let us know by hitting support in settings or by emailing contact@igloo.app.
Update Away-Status of Users without need to reopen the igloo
User away-status update without need to reopen igloo completely.
Developer Response
Not sure what this means; you'll need to come into our support channel or email and explain more.
Adding « ignore » command and managemnt
Please add the « /ignore » command and some menu to manage ignored nickname with simple « regex » feature like « nick!mask@host » (ex.: « dummy!*@* » or « *!*@*.igloo.app »)
Developer Response
Just search for "ignore" here.
Ignore needed.
My number 1 complaint about this app is the lack of the ignore feature. I don’t need to be slapping people,I’d rather ignore them. Please give us this!
Developer Response
This has been answered a million times before. Ignore is a useless "feature". The person you're ignoring can just change their nick, ident, host, etc and easily evade your ignore. Now after you ignore them 3000 times, you've given Igloo 3000 things to do each time a new message comes in. Because of how IRC works, mobile devices already have bottlenecks and I'm not going to make it worse. If you use a bouncer (znc, etc), you can ignore people there which makes a lot more sense anyway.
Ability to keep connections active when using other apps
I’ve noticed that over time, the ability to jump from the app on my ipad and go look at email or a browser has gotten to be that I get dc’d from my igloo servers about 75% of the time. I know this has been an issue before but it seems to have gotten terrible here lately. At times, it’s great but others things will just crash the moment I move away from Igloo. I know it maybe have more to do with IRC than your app, but just wanted to raise my hand to see if there’s anything you can do.. Thanks. Love the app.
Developer Response
Not possible, this is an iOS problem, not an Igloo problem. Check the FAQ page.
The limited logs due to lack of CHATHISTORY support when utilizing Soju as a bouncer leads to an incredibly poor user experience. Increasing the log limit also makes the application unbearable slow.
Developer Response
Ctrl+F and search for "CHATHISTORY"